Plantain Pancakes with Mixed Berry Sauce

Plantain Pancakes with Mixed Berry Sauce from #paleo #glutenfree #vegetarian

Pretty sure the universe doesn’t need another plantain pancakes recipe, but since I never do anything I’m told, anyway: here’s mine. In defense of this recipe, it’s actually pretty neat. There are a couple of simple tips and tricks I use to make these plantain pancakes less dense and dry compared to other recipes that […]

Paleo Peanut Butter Pie

Paleo Peanut Butter Pie

This post was included in Thank Your Body Thursday! Woot! Someone expressed outrage over this one on Facebook. Not the fact that I claimed I had made a paleo peanut butter pie, but because I’d named it after an ingredient it didn’t contain: the eponymous peanut butter. In my defense I submit a few things: […]

Allergy Friendly Paleo Pie Crust

Paleo Pie Crust

Another Paleo pie crust? I know, it seems like there are already plenty of awesome crusts out there. The problem is that so many of them rely on either almond flour as a base or eggs to hold them all together. Often both. But what I really wanted to make was something that would be […]

Cabbage Cakes

Cabbage Cakes

The new year is impending and apparently that means lettuce-recipes are incoming. But if my new year doesn’t include some fried foods then I’m going to go on time-strike and start counting backwards. Kind of like I do for my birthdays. Anyway. Really this is a story about some leftover sweet potatoes. Wicked stepmother Meatified […]