Spicy Grass Fed Beef Chorizo

Homemade Beef Chorizo from http://meatified.com #paleo #whole30

The day I found out that commercial chorizo was primarily composed of salivary glands and lymph nodes was the day I stopped eating it.  Later I started to make my own from pork I ground myself. These days I tend to limit my pork consumption because it’s so much harder to trace what really went […]

Lazy Upside Down Cottage Pie

Upside Down Cottage Pie

Shepherd’s Pie was one of the first few things I learned to cook. Unfortunately, I also learned to cook it all wrong and didn’t realize that it was supposed to be a meat sauce rather than a tomato-riddled marinara-thon until some time in college. In fact, it was really a kind of jarred tomato sauce […]

Cilantro Meatballs in Salsa Sauce

Meatballs in Salsa

MEEEAATBAAAAAAAAAALLS! Uh, yep, that does get yelled around my house fairly often. Usually in a hideous faux-Italian accent that would embarrass Luigi. But, hey, it makes me laugh 😛 For me to bother making meatballs on a weeknight I either have to (a) be begged and (b) cut a corner or two with the sauce […]