Operation Be More Me: Or, Post The Damn Potato

How date night inspired me to find my voice, worry less and find my people. (Hint: they're probably not wearing pants).

So yesterday evening, I shared a photo on my Instagram of our at home date night dinner. One that I wouldn’t usually post because – gasp! – there was a POTATO in it! Yes! A totally non AIP tuber! Now before you all freak out over potential foodie fraud, that’s not the direction this is […]

A Meatified Cookbook Reveal!

Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook #paleo #autoimmuneprotocol #autoimmune #aip #whole30

I spent about eight months this year working on a not-really-secret cookbook project. Now that all the recipes are complete and the photography is finished, it’s time to let you all have a sneak peek at what I’ve been doing all this time! So guess what? The book isn’t going to be called The Meatified […]

Guess what? There’s going to be a Meatified…

Guess what? I'm writing a book! |http://meatified.com

… nope, not a baby! At least not of the tiny human variety. But I am creating something brand new for you all… a book! Yes, there’s going to be a meatified book! Indeedly doodly, it’s true! I haven’t worked out a cool, super spangly title yet – but that’s the least important part. What […]