Coconut & Pecan Butter, Dip or Drizzle

Alternatively titled: How To Resurrect That Jar Of Coconut Butter You Bought But Didn’t Like. We’ve all done it. Switched brands for a better deal. And yet, even after making sure that the ingredients were the same – yep, 100% coconut pulp – something just wasn’t right. In this case, it was the texture. No […]

Avocado & Artichoke Heart Dip

Artichoke & Avocado Dip #paleo #vegan #vegetarian #dip

I swear 99% of my recipes or food ideas are borne out of complete necessity. Due to the snow it is apparently impossible for our water delivery to be made as usual, which means that soon we won’t have any. At all. No water for any purpose whatsoever. I’m not even going to tell you […]

Rocket Fuel: Arugula Pecan Pesto

Arugula Pecan Pesto

You know that moment when you reach into the fridge and what you were looking for just isn’t quite as delicious looking as you were expecting it to be? That’s what happened to my arugula. I mean, it was still edible and all, but it would have made a pretty sad looking salad. Nobody wants […]

Carrot Dip

Carrot Dip

Every now and then I have a fierce craving… for hummus. Which may not be a typical food craving. Since I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth, apparently being deprived of legumes sometimes makes me cranky! But while I was bumbling around the kitchen trying to come up with a kind of hummus […]