Paleo Chocolate “PB&J” Freezer Fudge

Chocolate "PB&J" Freezer Fudge

When I first came up with this freezer fudge idea, I knew that I wanted to make it nut free. I had plenty of tahini left after making several batches and flavors of my Paleo hummus and that got me thinking that the sesame seed paste might stand in really well for freezer fudge making purposes. […]

Paleo Yogurt Pots

Paleo Yogurt Pots from - no cultures or fancy equipment needed! #paleo #dairyfree #yogurt #glutenfree

I really like yogurt. But I’m never, ever going to buy a yogurt maker. It’s not even that I’m a little intimidated by the whole live cultures thing, it’s just that I don’t have space anywhere in my kitchen for another appliance. Even if it looks really cool. And I really, really want one. Because […]

Banana Bread Pudding with Peaches

Banana Bread Pudding

Banana Bread Pudding? If Banana Bread and Bread Pudding had a love child, this recipe for Banana Bread Pudding would be the result!  Leftover banana bread combined with a coconut milk and egg filling makes a delicious dessert. And since it’s Summer, I decided to go all out and top it with diced fresh peaches. This […]

Vanilla Peach Preserves from Nourished App

Before I went Paleo, I was a baking FIEND. I didn’t actually eat 99% of what I made since all my food vices were (and still are!) savory, but I LOVED any excuse I could find to make and test out sweet treat recipes on other people. There’s just something about a homemade cookie, or […]