Creamiest Dairy Free Leftover Turkey Stroganoff

The easiest, dreamiest way to use up your holiday turkey without resorting to soup is this dairy & coconut free leftover turkey stroganoff.

If you’ve got holiday turkey that you don’t know what to do with… the answer is: make this leftover Turkey Stroganoff! Because never ending turkey leftovers don’t just have to be turned into soup, you feel me? Not that there’s anything wrong with delicious, comfort-in-a-bowl soup, but sometimes you just gotta mix it up a […]

Blackberry Blueberry Seed Cycling Smoothie

Make seed cycling a snap with this simple berry-packed seed cycling smoothie. It's creamy, fruity, dairy free & has a truly hidden vegetable boost, too!

This is the seed cycling smoothie of my berry loving dreams! The key to great smoothies in my personal opinion is to keep them simple. Too many ingredients and extras makes for a muddy looking and bland tasting result. This combination of blackberries & blueberries, however, is right on. It gives a potently glorious color […]

Strawberry Sunflower Seed Cycling Smoothie

The easiest way to get your luteal seeds in! Just a handful of ingredients whip up into a delicious strawberry seed cycling smoothie that's dairy & nut free.

Hands up if the whole concept of seed cycling for hormone health sounded great until you realized that… you never eat seeds?! I liked the idea of such a simple addition to my day for a nutritional boost, but seeds aren’t really something I’ve ever included in my diet as much more than a garnish. […]

Summer Salmon Tacos with Peaches, Avocado & Basil

These salmon tacos are the best of summer produce in one bite: juicy peach, creamy avocado, charred corn & fresh basil make simply prepared salmon shine!

I’ll admit, I had no intention of making salmon tacos about twenty minutes before I made these for the first time. For that stroke of inspiration, I have an over abundance of glorious summer produce and an aversion to turning on the oven in the heat to thank. (As I dubbed them in an Instagram […]