Mango Guacamole

Mango Guacamole

If you don’t follow me on Facebook, you have avoided hearing me bemoan the fact that I can no longer drink coffee. For quite a while, I had been tweaking my diet trying to get some stomach issues under control, but really wasn’t having any results. I tried lots of different things, sure that the […]

Stuffed Bacon Guacamole Burger

Bacon Guacamole Burger

Who is responsible for this Bacon Guacamole Burger? I’m going to straight up pin the blame for this one on Stacy and Matt from Paleo Parents. Specifically, all the BEAUTIFUL shots I keep seeing all over the web from their soon-to-be-released book, Beyond Bacon. Let me just show you some of its awesomeness. The front  & […]

Chicken with Rosemary and Roasted Oranges

This is one of my favorite ways to cook up some tasty chicken with minimal effort. This will work for thighs or drumsticks, too, but I prefer to use whole legs because they’re usually cheaper and they’re a convenient single serving size for me. Whatever you use, the dark meat cuts work best because they […]

Bacon & Green Onion Guacamole

bacon guacamole

I’m going to start off here with the Captain Obvious of sentences: bacon is an amazing wonderfood. Fact. Now if bacon is a wonderfood, then it can clearly be deduced that bacon makes everything better. Well, almost always. At least when it comes to food. Now, when I make brunch at the weekend, my two […]

Stir Fried Pork with Cabbage Noodles

Stir Fried Pork with Cabbage Noodles

This has been a week of contrasts, that’s for sure! First our house was almost completely without running water and then the hosting provider for this site decided to have a few issues. By a few, I mean that they stopped displaying the site at all, which some of you may have seen. But I […]

Citrus and Sage Roasted Baby Carrots

Sometimes I make a scaled down version of these if I’m craving a sweet snack without resorting to fruit. Or if I’ve already eaten all the fruit in the house. It happens. The first time I made these roasted baby carrots, however, was as a side because I’d just gleefully returned home from grocery shopping […]