Creamy Honeydew Popsicles with Lime

Creamy Honeydew Popsicles with Lime from #paleo #autoimmunepaleo #glutenfree

 There’s a secret divide in the Meatified household. It’s a love vs hate kind of thing. I’m a bona fide lover of pretty much any variety of melon. Mr Meatified won’t touch any of them other than watermelon. I think he needs some kind of intervention: how can you NOT like melon? Makes no sense […]

Mojo Chicken Avocado Cups

Mojo Chicken Avocado Cups by #paleo #glutenfree #autoimmunepaleo

One of mine and Mr Meatified’s favorite restaurants back in the pre-Paleo days was a Cuban place that made amazing food from some pretty humble ingredients. My favorite dishes were all marinated in Mojo, a vampire-warding multipurpose sauce, marinade and dip made from copious amounts of garlic and fresh citrus juice. Mr. Meatified was somewhat […]

Salted Caramelized Plantains with Coconut Cream

Salted Caramelized Plantains with Coconut Cream from #paleo #glutenfree #autoimmunepaleo

I don’t know what kind of a rock I’ve been living under, but it appears I’m the last person in the world to realize how great ripe caramelized plantains are. Their natural sweetness isn’t anywhere near as cloying as bananas and they hold up much better to cooking. Caramelized plantains don’t need any added sugar […]

Ultimate Breakfast Meatcakes by Beyoutifully Delicious

Ultimate Breakfast Meatcake from |

Today’s guest post comes to you from Candace over at Beyoutifully Delicious! I first discovered her over on Twitter, where her combination of all things grain free and ridiculously tasty collided with her hilarity. Seriously, she can make me snort tea out of my nose on a scarily regular basis. Then I found her Instagram […]

Bay Scallop Ceviche with Mandarin Oranges

Bay Scallop Ceviche with Mandarin Oranges that's nightshade free and Autoimmune Paleo compliant from #paleo #glutenfree #whole30 #aip

I love seafood. Pretty much any seafood. In fact, the only thing better than fresh seafood in my books is when it’s made into ceviche. But often ceviche is full of nightshades like tomatoes and jalapenos – I wanted to make a version that was Autoimmune Protocolfriendly. So I came up with this Bay Scallop […]

Mango Sorbet with Mint

Mango Sorbet with Mint - ready in about a minute! #paleo #glutenfree #vegetarian #vegan #aip

So everyone has seen and made that 1 ingredient “Banana Ice Cream”, right? This Mango Sorbet with Mint uses a similar method: it’s created by blending frozen chunks of mango into a sorbet with only a few other extra ingredients added. I chose to pair my Mango Sorbet with some fresh mint that I needed […]