Paleo BBQ Meatloaf

paleo bbq meatloaf

In our house, we sometimes refer to “THE MEATLOAF”. Yup, all in caps, just like that. And not like normal people would, either. We’re not hearkening back to the glory days of some alimentary perfection; no grandma’s recipe yet to be re-created, here. We’re actually referring back to my greatest culinary shame. You see, where […]

Coconut Chicken Nuggets

Coconut Chicken Nuggets

I’m pretty sure that everyone who reads a couple of Paleo food blogs will have come across these, or some variation of them. Because they’re awesome. The recipe I give below is really that of Multiply Delicious, twiddled a little to make a double batch and skipping the oven step. Because if I’m frying already […]